Frequently Asked Questions... Answered

We've collected commonly asked questions & solutions to common problems together and answered them here. 

Our answers, while to the best of our knowledge, are the best of our knowledge
If you perhaps disagree with our answer, please  visit our Mother Clucker's  Community Forum to post your own solution or opinion.  The forum is also another resource to use while searching for answers not found here on our FAQ page.

Credit where credit is due:
Many of the answers that we provide may be substantiated by universities and other sources around the vast information superhighway, the internet.  In cases where we feel the information those sources provide are of benefit in solving the question at hand, we will introduce the source  and  provide a short summary of the content here on our website, then supply a "link" (READ MORE...) to the source document at the  original  URL location.  In no manner are we attempting or claiming credit for others research or opinions, but only trying match inquisitive minds with knowledgeable solutions.